Fat Burning Diet Oil

Fat Burning Diet Oil

I passionately believe that what we put into our bodies matters. That means the food we eat, the beverages we drink, the supplements, vitamins, and medication we take, and the things we don't eat, drink, or ingest. To make good food choices easier on myself and my busy family, I drink daily smoothies. Fat burning smoothies for weight loss are in my weekly rotation to make sure I get the nutrients my body needs to keep my metabolism in fighting shape. These 10 weight loss smoothies are delightfully tasty + healthy!

New to green smoothies? Then join my FREE 10-Day Smoothie Challenge and absolutely fall in love with weight loss smoothies. You'll fuel your body and your passions with all kinds of plants!

Top 10 Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

This weight loss smoothie is a bit hardcore, but I believe it will help you see results more quickly when combined with an awesome exercise goal. I hope you give it a shot and love the results. Here's 5 more weight loss smoothie recipes you might like:

Meal Replacement Smoothie- Smoothies are considered the healthiest fast food because you can make a quick, filling meal in 5 minutes! Put that theory to the test with this lovely berry smoothie.

Anti Inflammatory Smoothie- Chronic inflammation keeps our bodies from reaching their full potential. Fight that head on with this soothing smoothie recipe.

Beginner's Luck Green Smoothie- This is THE best green smoothie! It's been voted #1 by far, and is both delicious and nutritious.

Apple Celery Smoothie- The green smoothie of all green smoothies, this one's got a healthy boost and a unique (but yummy!) ingredient list.

Pineapple Ginger Smoothie- Fresh ginger has so many health benefits, and paired with pineapple is quite easy to digest.

MCT Oil Smoothie- Your metabolism actually needs fat to help digest food. MCT oil is an easy an efficient way to get healthy fat into your body.

Chocolate Weight loss Smoothie- Gain natural energy + burn fat with this yummy cacao-filled smoothie.

Smoothie for Brain Fog- Clear the cobwebs and benefit from better focus with this genius smoothie.

Raspberry Smoothie- Is it a dessert or a smoothie?! This creamy, ruby smoothie is healthy and just plain pretty.

Fat Burning Smoothie- The smoothie recipe below has some serious metabolism-boosting power with grapefruit, celery, and green tea.

These fat burning smoothies are a great place to start if you want maximize plants. Which one will you blend first?!

Plant Based Diet to Burn Fat

I fell in love with a plant-based diet when I lost the weight and gained tons of energy without really even trying. Just drinking smoothies and eating meals that were rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds did the trick! I began seeing meat, eggs and dairy as more of a condiment that goes with my plant-powered meal.

To help with the results, I started focusing on blending ingredients that are scientifically proven to burn fat and boost the metabolism, which lead to weight loss. Let's dive into these fat burning smoothies so you can see just how tasty and simple weight loss can be. But first...

Why Smoothies Help You Lose Weight

For most of us, there's a balance between the good things and the not-so-good things. (I'm talking to you, French fries with my veggie burger.) My point is, it's hard to always eat healthy. Which is why I like to do the Fresh Start seasonal cleanse using green smoothies (like this fat burning smoothie!) as my breakfast for 21 days. It gets me back on track and makes sure I drink the best smoothies for weight loss and my overall health.

There are special occasions when we want to indulge, it's hard to eat healthy all the time when traveling. You know the drill. We do our best. And I don't believe in punishing ourselves for enjoying a treat now and then.

Weight Loss Smoothie FAQs

Are smoothies a good way to lose weight?

They can be! Start with 100% real, whole food ingredients. Don't add any sugars + sweeteners (other than real, whole fruit!), and choose a liquid base that is unsweetened. Make sure your smoothie has healthy fat + protein so that it's filling and won't leave you hungry 90 minutes later.

Which smoothie is best for a flat tummy?

My fat burning smoothie has specific ingredients that boost the metabolism. Healthy fat is necessary for your body to break down carbs + protein, so make sure NOT to cut the fat!

What can I put into a smoothie to lose weight?

A good smoothie with protein + healthy fat + whole food carbs is a great combo for a healthy snack or meal that can a promote weight loss. My fat burning smoothie contains spinach, mint, celery, green tea, grapefruit, pineapple and avocado.

Build Muscle to Burn Fat

What I'm a big proponent of is eating healthy as much as possible and participating in a regular exercise routine. That looks different for all of us with our varied interests, schedules, time constraints, and lifestyles. There's nothing that will help boost your metabolism more than doing exercises that build muscle.

More muscle means more fat-burning capabilities.

For me, that's running 3-5 times a week and lifting weights 3 times a week. When it comes to boosting your metabolism, exercise goes hand in hand with healthy eating. Certain foods have fat-burning and metabolism-boosting abilities and adding them into your diet can help magnify weight-loss efforts. I'm a huge fan of smoothies, especially when I can use natural ingredients to transform it into a weight loss smoothie.

Give your body energy (i.e. high quality calories) to power it through a workout. The workout will help build more muscle, which burns more calories (i.e. fat) the rest of the time. See how nicely that works? It's a beautiful thing!

Our bodies needs proper fuel to keep up with the demands of daily activities. It's important that the calories we consume, especially if we're trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or just improve our performance, are quality calories.

A protein bar may be high in calories and full of nutrition, yet it won't fill you up in the same way a plate of salmon, brown rice, and steamed veggies will. But a high-quality (preferably homemade) vegan protein bar can give you the energy you need to power through a workout or recover from one.

What does that mean? It means that recipes need to tick off several boxes: healthy fats, protein, complex carbs, vitamins and minerals, and/or a combination of all of the above. The above fat burning smoothies have all that and more!

Want to skip a step and add protein + healthy fats to your smoothie in one step?
Check out my Protein Smoothie Boost! Clean protein? Check. Healthy fat? Check. Helpful fiber? Check.
No sweetness or artificial nonsense? Check! Protein Smoothie Boost is a great partner in your fight to burn fat with this smoothie!

Fat Burning Smoothie for Weight Loss

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Make fat cry by adding this fat burning smoothie into your day. The natural ingredients are paired together to help boost your metabolism and burn fat in one delicious weight loss smoothie.

Total Time 5 minutes

Servings 1

  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • 2 tablespoon fresh mint
  • 1 stalk celery chopped
  • ½ cup brewed green tea cooled
  • ½ large grapefruit peeled and seeded
  • 1 cup pineapple frozen
  • ¼ avocado
  • dash cayenne pepper optional
  • 1 serving Protein Smoothie Boost optional
  • Place spinach, mint, celery, and green tea into blender.

  • Puree until smooth.

  • Add remaining ingredients.

  • Blend again. Best if served chilled.

  • The pith and peel of the grapefruit are extremely bitter, but are beneficial in small amounts. To lessen the bitterness of the grapefruit, remove the fruit from the inner membranes as well as peeling before using.
  • Drink 1-2 smoothies a day as meal replacements to get the weight loss benefits you're looking for.
  • Adding Protein Smoothie Boost is a great way to add high-quality protein that won't affect the delicious taste of the smoothie

Calories: 231 kcal (12%) Carbohydrates: 42 g (14%) Protein: 4 g (8%) Fat: 8 g (12%) Saturated Fat: 1 g (6%) Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 g Monounsaturated Fat: 5 g Sodium: 35 mg (2%) Potassium: 831 mg (24%) Fiber: 9 g (38%) Sugar: 26 g (29%) Vitamin A: 4897 IU (98%) Vitamin C: 136 mg (165%) Calcium: 111 mg (11%) Iron: 2 mg (11%)

Fat Burning Diet Oil

Source: https://simplegreensmoothies.com/recipes/fat-burning-smoothie

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